Sevenoaks Players presents The Railway Children
The Railway Children is a charming tale, written by Edith Nesbit in 1906. It follows the adventures of Bobby, Peter and Phyllis, whose lives are changed when their father is taken away by two mysterious men. The family are forced to move from Central London to the countryside of Yorkshire. Playing around and exploring the local railway, the children find themselves on a journey of exploration and adventure as they try to discover the fate of their missing father.
Performance details
- Wednesday 16th – 19th November – performance starts at 7:30pm.
- Saturday 19th November – Saturday Morning Performance at 11:00
- Saturday 19th November – Matinee Performance at 2:30
- Adults £12, £15 & £17
- Students & Under 18’s £9
The Stag Theatre – Sevenoaks.