The Sevenoaks Players present ‘The Trial’ by Anthony Booth we will be performing on the 1st March at 7.30pm.
The play is about three women are waiting in a cellar. One is a captain in an organization pledged to bring freedom to the city which is in the throes of a struggle for power; another is a witness; the third is an informer in the coming trial.
A frightened girl is brought in and severely questioned regarding her alleged betrayal to the authorities of hidden stocks of ammunition. She is acquitted of betrayal but led away to be punished for fraternization.
The proceedings have, however, uncovered the guilt of another woman present-the informer herself.
Please support us at the Barn, Oxted for the Southern Counties Drama Festival. It is lovely to perform to a full house!
Tickets are £8.00 either from Barn Theatre Box Office 01959 561811 or from Sandra Barfield on 07973 657311.
Further details for the Southern Counties Drama Festival
The Theatre can be found at The Barn Theatre, 25 Bluehouse Lane, Oxted, Surrey RH8 0AA.