Sevenoaks Players present ‘An Inspector Calls’ by J.B. Priestly

Poster of An Inspector Calls

Set in 1912 this play begins rather like a thriller with the enigmatic Inspector Goole disrupting Sheila Birling’s engagement party, to hold the family to account for the suicide of a young woman.

As the play unfolds you find out all is not as it seems. Who is Inspector Goole? Is his conviction that ‘we are all responsible for each other’ shared by the family?

The play premiered in Moscow in 1945- Priestley being one of the few British writers to be invited to the Soviet Union, a year later it was performed at the New ( now the Noel Coward) theatre London with Ralph Richardson as the Inspector.

An inspector calls presented by Sevenoaks Players

From the Film with Alastair Sim.

Almost ten later a film was made with Alastair Sim as the witty inspector.

The most recent Award winning production was at the Wyndham’s Theatre in 2009 and continued touring until 2012.

An inspector Calls, Sevenoaks Players

Rehearsals are well under way for this new play, coming very soon!